Building Sustainable Cities and Communities: A Rwandan-German Success Story

Building Sustainable Cities and Communities: A Rwandan-German Success Story

The journey towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities took a collaborative turn for the Rwanda Village Community Promoters (RVCP) and Ejo-connect Germany/Rwanda (EC). These two youth organizations joined forces to implement a successful exchange program, aptly named the #TeamsUpProject.

In Germany: meeting with germany leaders and Rhineland-Palatinate

A Partnership for Sustainable Impact

The agreement between RVCP and EC outlined a shared vision: empowering young people to be active agents of change in their communities. Both organizations sought to not only gain valuable knowledge on sustainable development practices but also serve as multipliers, sharing their learnings with a wider audience. This commitment to collaboration extended beyond the project itself, with participants envisioned to join activities organized by both EC and RVCP that contribute to SDG 11 goals.

Shared Responsibilities, Lasting Achievements

The project thrived on a foundation of shared responsibility. Team leaders from both sides provided guidance and ensured adherence to project plans and reporting requirements. However, the true strength came from active participation. Selected participants from both Rwanda and Germany actively supported the project in various ways, from managing finances to reaching out to partners, and even planning workshops for online and in-person meetings. This collaborative spirit fostered a true sense of partnership, with open communication and a commitment to addressing any challenges through joint decision-making.

A Cross-Continental Exchange

The #TeamsUpProject brought together Rwandan and German youth, fostering intercultural understanding alongside their exploration of SDG 11. The German team enjoyed the hospitality of RVCP’s center in Huye, Rwanda, during their visit, creating a space for firsthand learning and exchange.

Part Two Ends on a High Note

The second phase of the #TeamsUpProject concluded successfully on May 15th, 2024. This milestone signifies not just the completion of a project but the beginning of a lasting impact. The knowledge and experiences gained by the participants hold the potential to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to join the movement towards sustainable cities and communities.

The Story Continues

With the conclusion of Part Two, the future looks bright for the #TeamsUpProject. Representatives from both EC and RVCP are set to discuss ways to build upon this successful collaboration, paving the way for future projects and activities that continue to empower young people to be architects of a more sustainable future.