RVCP works in collaboration with a number of international partners, national organizations as well as international participants. Intent on fostering an atmosphere of cultural exchange and skill sharing, RVCP relishes the opportunity to work alongside international volunteers from so many corners of the globe. RVCP’s partners are also vital to the work we complete, providing much needed funding as well as capacity building skills. Without their advice, help, and presence RVCP could not complete the vital work it does.
International Partners


Bristol Volunteers for Development Abroad (BVDA)


As RVCP’s longest standing partnership, BVDA has worked with RVCP for over 10 years in a number of ways. Currently supporting our main projects of hygiene, HIV/AIDs, Malaria, income generation, and Pyramid, BVDA is dedicated to redefining the way students across borders effectively work together.


International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA)
RVCP was initiated in 2000 by a partnership between medical students of the National University of Rwanda, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA).

  • RVCP Group in Frankfurt :RVCP-Frankfurt is primarily a network of former “IPs” – volunteers who have participated in the “Rwanda Village Concept Project” in Rwanda – and want to continue to be involved after returning to Germany for the project… Read more >>>
  • TUSAA ONG: a student-led organization under the University of de Llieda( UDL) that works on maternal health initiatives.
  • GAIA Greenhouse: a students initiative for increasing the agriculture production through enactus (student-led organization in Germany)
  • AECS (Associació d’Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut)-Catalonia: Under the support from AECS-Catalonia, the RVCP through a project “Youth Health Education Project (YHEP)”  is carrying out the football tournaments in southern province of  Rwanda… Read more >>>
  • Kwizera e.V; Kwizera e.V has been working with RVCP for the past 3 years, targeting underprivileged families… Read more >>>
  • GLOBEMED: Since our partnership with GlobeMed at GWU started in 2007, the partnership has led to a refurbished health clinic with running water, electricity, and a new waiting room … Read more >>>
Local Partners


  • The University of Rwanda (UR) (www.ur.ac.rw)
  • The Ministry of Health (www.moh.gov.rw)
  • Population Service international (PSI)
  • Huye District, Southern Province of Rwanda
  • Nyagatare District, Eastern province of Rwanda
  • Musanze District, Northern province of Rwanda
  • Rulindo District, Northern province of Rwanda
  • Association Rwandaise pour le Bien-être familial (ARBEF)
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) country office
  • The World population fund country office
  • Society for family health Rwanda
  • Aids Health care foundation Rwanda
  • The Medical Student Association of Rwanda (MEDSAR) (www.medsar.org)
Currently RVCP is looking for other like-minded organizations across the world who would be interested in partnering with us. We are on the search for organizations or student groups who share the same values of sustainable community development and cultural exchange and who would be interested in participating in RVCP’s work, either through financial assistance, capacity/skills building, or through volunteer placement schemes. As a student-run organization, we are particularly interested in hosting other student volunteers from around the world. We value the skills and ideas that international volunteers bring to RVCP and we always welcome any groups or individuals who want to come and share their knowledge with us in any programme area. In return, volunteers will experience cultural exchange and learn about student led small-scale community development in one of the fastest developing economies in Africa.


Why partner with RVCP?

If your organization or group decides to partner with RVCP and support one or more of our projects, you will become part of a dynamic, diverse charity who is working hard to reach out to the most vulnerable members of Rwandan society. Over the past year we have really developed the organizational capacity of RVCP and we are now looking to increase our numbers of partners. We value partners because of the opportunities they bring us in terms of knowledge and advice. Not only can they help us receive financial support for our programmes, but they can also help build our knowledge of how to more effectively run RVCP, as well as potentially receive volunteers for placements from some partners.

How can you partner with RVCP?

As with many charities, partners often support only one or two programmes. This allows them to focus their funding on areas they are particularly interested or qualified in. If you feel that RVCP works in an area that matches your organizations interests and values, and you want to enquire about partnering with RVCP, then please contact the RVCP Coordinator, for more information: info@rwandavcp.org. If you are interested in partnering in order to provide volunteers to work on particular RVCP projects, we welcome your interest and we ask you email the Coordinator with your inquiries.