It was on 13thFebruary 2019 the day of world celebrating the international condom day celebration. In this year, Rwanda Village Community Promoters (RVCP) through its program so called HIV/AIDS, family planning and sexual reproductive health program has prepared this life changing event in partner with Medical students Association of Rwanda (MEDSAR), Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) and AIDS HEALTH FOUNDATION RWANDA (AHF). It was under the theme, “Always in Fashion!”
Celebrating this day before valentine’s day we had objectives of Reminding people on how STIs, HIV, unplanned pregnancy are still global burdens And effective way to tackle them by using condom, to demonstrate the effective way of using condom, raising awareness on HIV prevention and encouraging people to know their status and breaking myths in people especially youths about condoms.
On this day together with National police of Rwanda we have walked from IPRS south to Huye stadium, where we had purpose of showing other people the great importance of using condom the human being. Not only us who did this walk but we were together with other different people like those who ride bicycles, motorbikes and other populations.
Together with nurses from different Huye health centers we have screened a big number of people including students from different secondary schools who managed to join us in celebration of this event. It was HIV free screening test, where we have also distribute condoms to each and every one who would wish to get them.
On this day through entertainment we have engaged a big number of people, where we have entertained by one of Rwandan famous stars found in a group of Dream boys.