Did you know?
People who tend to drink 3 or more glasses of soda daily have 62% more tooth decay, fillings and tooth loss than others. The prevalence of oral cancer is also on the increase in Africa. Annual incidence figures for oral and pharyngeal cancer are estimated at twenty-five cases per 100,000 in developing countries. You have to replace your toothbrush after you have an episode of flu, cold or other viral infections. You also have to replace your tooth paste in every three months. More than 30% of the people who brush their teeth can develop teeth diseases as a result of brushing in a wrong way or using old toothbrushes. Surprisingly all these diseases can easily be prevented by simply brushing your teeth after every meal!
In Rwanda oral health care is given a low priority due to the presence of several general health problems and enormous development needs; sometimes oral health services are expensive and many Rwandans are not aware of diseases that can affect the teeth and oral cavity.
Rwanda village concept project perceived this as a call to volunteer in order to increase awareness of oral hygiene and reduce diseases affecting the oral cavity and teeth that are prevalent in African countries including Rwanda.
It is in this regard that under its program of Hygiene and Water sanitation RVCP in partnership with Oral Health Foundation Rwanda (OHFR), celebrated the World Oral Health Day on the 20thMarch 2018. The celebration took place at Rango primary school under the theme “SayAhh, Think mouth, Think health” this activity started with Capacity building of RVCP volunteers on oral hygiene on the 15th March 2018 and continued with an Online campaign from 18th -20th March 2018 where our volunteers used their social media platforms to share different messages and photos explaining this year’s theme and oral hygiene in general.
Official day celebration at Rango primary school on 20th March 2018.
The official event took place at Rango primary school and was attended by different guests including: the Social affairs officer of Mukura Sector, Country coordinator of Oral Health Foundation Rwanda (OHFR), Guild President of university of Rwanda (HUYE campus), RVCP coordinator and Head teacher of Rango primary school.
All activities were scheduled in the afternoon and started with a teaching session on oral health and oral hygiene to the school pupils. The country coordinator of Oral Health Foundation Rwanda (OHFR) highlighted the importance of oral health to the population and young people and appreciated the way Rwanda Village Concept Project (RVCP) accepted to partner with them. After all speakers spoke there was distribution of tooth brushes and tooth pastes to all attendants of the event..
Distribution of tooth brushes and tooth pastes
More than 728 kids were taught about proper oral hygiene and oral health in general. Above 728 kids were given toothpaste and toothbrushes for putting oral hygiene in practice.
Much thanks goes to our partner Oral Health Foundation Rwanda and the team behind this event led by program director of Hygiene and Water Sanitation MFITUMUKIZA JEROME. Looking forward to the next partnership in improving oral health and hygiene in community.