Among the two main objectives of Rwanda Village Community Promoters (RVVP), there is Capacity building of the volunteers. It is in this regard, from 1st to 15th May 2019, Rwanda Village Community Promoters Nyagatare Chapter through its program (Youth empowerment program) in partnership with DOT Rwanda and University of Rwanda Nyagatare Campus, organized training about Business and ICT. It was held in UR NYAGATARE Campus in period of Two weeks and 35 members of RVCP were trained.

This Youth empowerment program is aimed at creating healthier and higher qualities of life for underprivileged or at-risk youth in community and to uplifting the underprivileged young generation of the society right from providing them with basic education to create a strong foundation for their careers, to developing personality skills, because the youth is the future of the country.
The training was aimed at acquainting RVCP NYAGATARE CHAPTER’S YOUTH with the notion of Entrepreneurship, the potentialities for creating they own source of income that will benefit the community as one of Youth Empowerment Program’s objective and gaining knowledge on proper use of ICT.

Nowadays, technology is what makes this world and it is becoming the pillar to each and every success, if well used. RVCP Volunteers gained knowledge about how we can use technology efficiently and effectively in communication; getting information and providing information at the same time, to improve our everyday life. Indeed, business is another important point if we want to handle problem of unemployment and generally increase the economics of our country.