International Volunteers

RVCP offers you an opportunity to volunteer in developmental projects to improve health and living conditions of rural communities in Rwanda. Volunteers can work on a number of projects: education in several areas (including maternal health, HIV, and malaria), construction-based projects within the hygiene program and income generating activities. Please check out the programs we run under Our Work!


There are many areas volunteers can get involved in with RVCP. We encourage interested volunteers to think about where their personal or professional skills could be the most useful to us. So whatever your skills or interests are, please let us know via the application form and we can discuss how best your skills can be used by RVCP. We want to inspire international volunteers to make a difference in our community, and we value the unique input each volunteer brings to RVCP.

Volunteer Fundraising

Because RVCP relies solely on the generosity of donors and individuals, we do encourage our international volunteers to fundraise for the program they will be working on before they come to Rwanda. The money raised will go straight to your chosen program and you will be able to see exactly where your donation goes: RVCP is proud to be completely transparent with its finances.


                                                            There is no set volunteer ‘price’. Instead, we take into account the volunteer, their circumstances and the length of time they will be working with RVCP for. This is something that can be discussed, but currently we suggest that for a volunteering period of 6 weeks a minimum of $250 (£150/€180) be fundraised.

RVCP aims to be different from many volunteer organizations who often charge a huge amount for a very short period of volunteering. Instead, we want to encourage anyone to volunteer, whatever their financial position. We value volunteers’ skills, interests and professional input just as much as we value any fundraising they can do for their chosen program.


Volunteering is not just about working in another country and then going back home again. We encourage all of our volunteers to try and promote the work of RVCP in their home country upon their return, thus helping RVCP to become more widely known. We recognize the importance of networking in order to grow and host more volunteers, as well as raise awareness about the issues facing the community we work in. We really appreciate everything our volunteers do to raise the profile of RVCP!

Interested? How to get involved

If you are interested in volunteering with RVCP, please download and complete the application form found at the bottom of this page. Email the application to along with a copy of your CV and a letter of motivation (why want to volunteer with RVCP and how it fits in with your current interests/activities in your home country).

If you want more information before applying, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions. Many thanks for your interest in RVCP and we look forward to hearing from each and every interested volunteer.


Here you get the opportunity to help people in Rwanda with your donation!

You can help with any amount you feel is appropriate and feasible from your perspective