Hard working RVCP volunteers received rewards during handover March 2019

Hard working RVCP volunteers received rewards during handover March 2019

Rwanda Village Community Promoters, RVCP has more than nineteen years of impacting the community through different community activities. Not only impacting vulnerable villagers, but also the capacity building of students volunteers. Through these years of working, RVCP had different successive Committees each and every year.
17th of March 2019 was the date for the handover of outgoing RVCP Committee 2018 with New elected Committees 2019 from the national level and all RVCP chapters. The event was hosted by RVCP Kigali chapter at UR-Remera Campus, where all Committees and Rvcpians were gathered for the handover ceremony.

Rvcpians gathered at UR-Remera for the Handover ceremony

In his opening speech, RVCP Executive Director, MASHYAKA Emmanuel thanked leaders who managed to attend the ceremony and appreciated the volunteering spirit of all Rvcpians. He also promised to provide all the help they can as Directors for the smooth running of RVCP activities. In presenting action plans, all chapters; Kigali, Huye, Nyagatare and Musanze chapter were presented. Each chapter coordinator mentioned their threats that hinder their development.

MUGABO Eric, Huye-chapter Coordinator presenting an action plan

“Leadership skills are one of the most important keys of leading a particular Community.” Said Phn. MUTABAZI J. Claude. He trained all Rvcpians who were there about the leadership and Responsibilities. Afterward, the handover went out with the swearing of new Committees from all chapters for their one year mandate. The handover ended up with the swearing of the all three RVCP Directors for the three years mandate.

Phn. MUTABAZI J. Claude
Three Rvcp Directors for three years mandate, from right side Briand Mvuyekure, Middle is Mashyaka Emmanuel and left side Niyibizi Brandon.

Handover ceremony ended up with rewarding the most hardworking Rvcpians and chapter. NGABO Emile rewarded as an outstanding volunteer of the year, Nyagatare chapter rewarded as an active chapter, YVC2018 Chairperson, GIRANEZA UWANTEGE Christelle rewarded as the initiator of Youth for Village Conference and RVCP Executive Director, MASHYAKA Emmanuel rewarded as the transformative leader of RVCP, leadership builder in his mandate, additional the shaping and much effort used to make RVCP registered as NGO in Rwanda.

YVC2018 Chairperson receiving the reward

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