In Christmas days many Christian people try to seek something that makes them happy as they celebrate the Christmas, although some people are in conditions that do not allow them to have a smile on their faces we can say people who are sick, those who have sick children, those in prisons and other bad situations. But behind these bad situations a smile is really needed to the faces of these people. That is why Rwanda Village Concept Project (RVCP) tried to think “how they create a smile on faces of at least some of these people” And bring the idea of pediatric Christmas event.

What is pediatric Christmas event?

The Pediatric Christmas Event is an annual kindness event which has the aim of creating a smile on faces of sick children in the hospitals in Christmas days. In the event money is collected from students and donors for buying food, clothes, hygiene materials and payment of medicine so as break worries in young patients and to ensure at least a smile in the Christmas days.

The event this year was organized by PYRAMID program of RVCP and it took place in three sessions different places: on 22nd November at KIBAGABAGA hospital in Kigali, the following session on 23rd November at KABUTARE hospital in Huye district and ended at CHUK in Kigali on 30th November. The children provided with food, clothes, hygiene materials like soaps and payments for medications.

                                  At KIBAGABAGA Hospital in Kigali

                    At KABUTARE Hospital in Huye district

    At CHUK in Kigali

During the event, smile was a sign of the face of every person who was there. The parents were happy and appreciated the actions of RVCP and asked the members to keep heart of helping other people especially the sick children. RVCP promised them that the event will happen again.We can’t end without thanking our partners: , Coalition Goodwill , YALI RLC ( Rwanda chapter), and Rwanda Children Cancer Relief 

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Simeon Turatsinze

    It is a great pleasure to see these smiles of hospitalized children, especially with Christmas in mind, keep this heart and your impact is acknowledged not only in earth but also in heaven, May Allmight Lord open up doors of blessing to each and everyone who managed to participate in this event in one way or another!

    1. Mbonyi Donatien

      Thank you for visiting our Website,we are proud to hear your input to RVCP. Keep your effort to help community as RVCP need a person like you.
      Happy new year 2018

      Regard, PCO MBONYINTWARI Donatien

  2. Dusengimana Thomas

    Wow! This event was very amazing keep up the great work that you are doing to the vulnerable people in our community.

    1. Mbonyi Donatien

      Thank you for visiting our Website,we are proud to hear your input to RVCP. Keep your effort to help community as RVCP need a person like you.
      Happy new year 2018

      Regard, PCO MBONYINTWARI Donatien

  3. Florence Sibomana

    This is a wonderful and humanity action, we should do. Much thanks for everyone who gave the contribution to create a smile in the faces of those kids


    Wooow. Proud of RVCP for making the Pyramid Pediatric Christmas Event 2017, a success!!


    Wooow, great job. RVCP is really making an impact to the community. Thank you Pyramid program,. Keep it up and conduct annual Pyramid Pediatrics Christmas Event (PPCE).

  6. Mick

    a superb event ever

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